


プリンストン日本語学校では従来より、異なるバックグラウンドを持つ児童のそれぞれのニーズに応えるべく、 日本へ帰国予定者の子弟を対象としたコース(補習校部)、 帰国予定のない永住または長期滞在者の子弟を対象としたコース(プリンストンコース)、日本語を外国語として学ぶコース(JASL)、 コミュニティーの高校生および成人を対象としたコミュニティコース等、 生徒のニーズに応じた日本語プログラムを各種用意してまいりました。


本校の教育活動は、財務的には、授業料、日本政府からの援助、日系企業とその他個人有志の方々からのご寄付に支えられておりますが、教育プログラムの充実、学校運営の改善を継続して行っていく為には、皆様からの温かいご支援が是非とも必要となります。企業、基金・団体、 PTA及び個人の有志の皆様から毎年ご寄付を頂き、学校関係者一同、皆様のご理解とご協力に感謝いたしております。





Giving to PCJLS

We sincerely appreciate your continued support of the Princeton Japanese Language School’s educational activities. Our school offers various programs to meet the needs of children with diverse backgrounds, including courses for those planning to return to Japan (Supplementary School Division), long-term residents (Princeton Course/Japanese as a Heritage Language), students learning Japanese as a Foreign Language (JASL), and a community course for high school students and adults.

Your support is crucial to the enhancement of our educational programs and the improvement of our school operations. With the recent decrease in the number of Japanese companies in the Princeton area, support from individual contributors like you has become more important than ever.

We are deeply grateful for the generous donations we receive each year from companies, organizations, the PTA, and individual supporters. Donations have no set amount, so even small contributions make a big difference. As we aim to provide an exceptional Japanese language education environment, we kindly ask for your continued support this year.

As a non-profit organization recognized by the state of New Jersey and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, your donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you for considering  to support us! Donations are accepted via checks (made  payable to PCJLS).  Addidionally, if you would like to become involved with PCJLS, please contact us!

ーPrinceton Japanese Language School

The Princeton Community Japanese Language School is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. Gifts to the Princeton Community Japanese Language School are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.