A Guide to the Princeton Community Japanese Language School

1. Name

Princeton Community Japanese Language School


2. Objectives   

 PCJLS is a non-profit educational institution certified by the State of NJ in 1980.  PCJLS provides educational opportunities for children and adults in the greater Princeton area to learn the Japanese language and culture. 

3. Courses

Hoshuko Division

Elementary School

Under the guidance of the Monkasho (Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), this course offers Japanese lessons (including social studies for grades 5 and 6) to children grades 1 through 6 whose native language is Japanese.

Middle School

Under the guidance of the Monkasho (see above), this course offers Japanese lessons (including social study) to children in grades 7 through 9.

Math Class (Elective)

Under the guidance of the Monkasho (see above), the 45-minute elective Math classes are offered to students in grades 1 through 9.

High School (for native speakers)

The high school program has 2 sections.  One section is for Japanese college-bound students and the other is for US college-bound students.  Japanese literature, History, Contemporary issues and Essay writing etc. are included.

②Japanese as a Foreign & Heritage Language Division

Princeton Course (Japanese as a Heritage Language course)

This course gives Japanese language instruction in Japanese using bilingual educational methods to children who have lived in the U.S. for a long time, and who use a limited amount of Japanese at home. For children between 1st grade and 12th grade.

JASL (Japanese as a Foreign Language course)

This course is designed to teach Japanese as a foreign language to children grades 1 through 8 whose native language is not Japanese. The JASL course provides instruction for basic Japanese language skills and an introduction to Japanese culture and traditions.

Community Course (Japanese as a Foreign Language course)

This course teaches Japanese language to high school students and adults who wish to learn the Japanese language as a foreign language.

③Kindergarten Division

Pre-school classes for 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children.  Early childhood education emphasizes Japanese language and culture.  

Parents’ Association

The Parents’ Association shall support school activities and shall convey parents’ opinions to the officers.  The Parents’ Association shall have the authority to bring matters requiring the attention of the board of trustees to the board. 

The Parents’ Association officers are approved at the first general parents’ meeting of the year.  Anybody can run for office or be recommended by others.  The officers may assume more than two positions and stay more than two years.   

The Parents’ Association officers consist of 

PA President: 1 PA Vice Presidents: 2    Secretary/Treasurer: 1  Classroom parent 

Background of PCJLS


 The PCJLS operates mainly through registration fees and tuition collected from the students.  In addition, the school receives a Grant from the Japanese government (for rental of classrooms, salary for teachers, textbooks etc.) 

Kaigai Shijo Kyouiku Shinko Zaidan (the Japanese Overseas Education Foundation.) also supports and provides educational materials such as library books, educational videos and equipment.   

The other operative fees (Office operation, New Curriculum Development, Storage fee, Cultural Exchange, etc.) are covered by donations from individuals or corporations.  


Expenses are mostly for teachers and personnel compensation. 

The financial statement is reported annually in March. 

Relationship between the PCJLS and Monkasho (Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.)

PCJLS is approved by the Monkasho (see above) as a Hoshuko (Japanese Supplemental School supported by Monkasho.)  The Hoshuko consists of Elementary and Middle schools. The principal of Hoshuko is sent depending on the number of the enrollment. 

Although PCJLS is partially supported by Monkasho, direct responsibilities of controlling and managing the school are performed by the PCJLS.   

* We do not discriminate based on gender, race, age, disability, national origin, or religion.